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Incorporated in the state of Delaware as a not-for-profit corporation, ACADIA is an all-volunteer organization governed by elected officers, an elected Board of Directors, and appointed ex-officio officers.


An election is held each fall, at which a new president is chosen. The person elected serves as Vice- President from September 1 until December 31 of their election year; then as President from January 1 until December 31 of the year succeeding their election year; and as Vice President again from January 1 until September 1 of the next following year. The President is the organization's chief officer and presides over Board of Directors meetings, appoints ex-officio officers, etc.

Board of Directors

Two rotating groups of 5 representatives, elected from the membership, serve overlapping two-year terms. The Board of Directors is responsible for budgeting and policy decisions.

Ex-officio officers

Various other offices are created from time to time as the President and Board of Directors see fit (secretary, treasurer, technology officer, membership officer, etc.). Ex-officio officers are entitled to vote in Board of Directors meetings and contribute vital energy and support to the organization.

Officers and Board of Directors

President and Vice-President

Position Name Email
President Marc Swackhamer, University of Colorado Denver
Vice President (Immediate Past President) Shelby Doyle, Iowa State University

Appointed Officers

Position Name Email
Secretary Molly Reichert
Treasurer Phillip Anzalone
Membership Officer Erin Hunt
Development Officer Robert Stuart-Smith
Communications Officer Alex Schofield
Technology Officer Jose Luis Reategui and Rachael Henry
IJAC ACADIA Officer Dana Cupkova

2024 Election (Term: 2024 Conference - 2026 Conference)

  • Biayna Bogosian, Arizona State University
  • Mohamed Ismail, University of Virginia
  • Rachael Henry, University of Michigan
  • Robert Stuart-Smith, University of Pennsylvania
  • Stefana Parascho, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  • Myles Sampson, Graduate Student Representative, Carnegie Mellon University

2023 Election (Term: Jan 1, 2024 - 2025 Conference)

  • Alex McLeod Schofield, California College of the Arts
  • Benjamin Ennemoser, Texas A and M University
  • Daniel Koehler, University of Texas Austin
  • Erin Linsey Hunt, Texas Tech University
  • Leighton Beaman, Cornell University
  • Leslie Lok, Cornell University
  • Molly Reichert, University of Minnesota
  • Sina Mostafavi, Texas Tech University

IJAC ACADIA Editorial Board

  • Dana Cupkova, Carnegie Melon University (2024-2026)
  • Nathan King, Autodesk and Virginia Tech (2024-2026)
  • Daniel Koehler, University of Texas Austin (2024-2026)
  • Tsz Yan Ng, University of Michigan (2023-2025)
  • Kyle Steinfeld, University of California, Berkeley (2023-2025)

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart


The ACADIA Bylaws set out the rules and regulations of the organization. As ACADIA has evolved over time, the bylaws have been amended. If you have any proposed changes to the bylaws, please contact the ACADIA president and/or Board of Directors.

Download a PDF of the current ACADIA Bylaws. (Last amended on 11-17-24)

Icon pdf bylaws download

Code of Conduct


ACADIA values the exchange of ideas and knowledge in a welcoming, safe, professional, and respectful environment for all. This Code of Conduct has been developed to help us promote these values.

The Code of Conduct applies to all ACADIA activities including:

  • Conferences, symposia, workshops, meetings, tours, receptions, and social activities sponsored, cosponsored, or in cooperation with ACADIA;
  • ACADIA member meetings;
  • Exchanges among committees or other bodies associated with ACADIA activities, publications, and/or communications sent through communication channels associated with ACADIA, including social media.

ACADIA Board members and event organizers, including the conference committee will enforce this code and expect cooperation from all participants, including speakers, attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, and student volunteers.

Expected Behavior

Expected behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Being respectful and courteous to other members, participants, event organizers, and those working at event venue(s);
  • Refraining from demeaning, discriminatory, unprofessional behavior, or any activities that might be deemed as harassment or inflict harm to someone verbally or physically;
  • Being cognizant and respectful of local customs, laws, rules, and regulations;
  • Promptly alerting event organizers and members of the ACADIA Board of Directors if you notice a potentially harmful or dangerous situation;
  • In the event of an emergency or if danger is imminent, seek safety and alert the appropriate authorities.

Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behavior includes, but not limited to: harassment, intimidation, abuse, discrimination, and conduct that are derogatory, demeaning, or not in line with common sense behavior associated with the subject work or social environment. This includes appropriate attire and how one carries themself.

Examples of unacceptable behavior:

  • Intimidating, harassing, abusive, derogatory, or demeaning speech or actions by any participant at ACADIA activities and related events, including any one-on-one communications carried out in the context of ACADIA activities;
  • Offensive verbal comments or gestures directed to a person or group based on their race, gender, age, sexual orientation, or physical attributes. Use of profanity, obscene gestures, or slurs (racial, religious, ethnic, age, or gender) are unacceptable.
  • Use of explicit content (e.g. nudity, lewd images) that is inappropriate for a general audience and/or unrelated to scholarly inquiry;
  • Intentionally targeted intimidation or stalking;
  • Unwelcome or harassing photography or recording without explicit permission;
  • Disruptive behavior intended to distract others during a presentation or public announcement;
  • Unprofessional expression of discontent causing any one or group of people discomfort or disrupting peace;
  • Unwelcome physical contact including sexual advances, groping, or assaults;
  • Abusive behaviors or comments (e.g. physical, verbal, written) such as threats or harm (real or implied) directed toward another person or group, creating an uncomfortable or unsafe environment;
  • At ACADIA related events, possession of a weapon intended to cause harm or danger, or any other items that could cause harm to oneself and others if used inappropriately;*
  • Failing to abide by ACADIA’s Code of Conduct or the rules and regulations of event site venues.

Consequences of Violations of this Code of Conduct

In the event of unacceptable behavior at any ACADIA activity or event, ACADIA reserves the right to take action including:

  • Removing an individual from any ACADIA event or activity without refund;
  • Exclusion in publishing or participating in future ACADIA conferences or events and/or exclusion from deriving other benefits from ACADIA activities;
  • Exclusion from ACADIA leadership positions;
  • Suspension or termination of an individual’s ACADIA membership.

These actions may be applied regardless of whether or not the offender is a member of ACADIA. Actions will also be taken against any individual who knowingly makes a false allegation.

Reporting Unacceptable Behavior

If you experience or witness unacceptable behavior at an event and wish to inform a person in authority, please contact a member of the ACADIA Board of Directors or one of the Conference Site Chairs. These individuals can provide information about the process for handling complaints or handling immediate onsite needs.

An investigation or futher action requires a formal (written) complaint to be made to the ACADIA Ethics Committee. Please use this online form to report an incident of violation of the ACADIA Code of Conduct. Prompt reporting of incidents is encouraged. The committee will undertake an investigation, make a final decision of whether ACADIA’s Code of Conduct has been violated, and will determine the appropriate action. ACADIA will strive to keep the identity of individuals involved in the report as confidential as possible beyond the investigation.

ACADIA will not tolerate any retaliation against an individual who, in good faith reports violations or suspected violations of this code.

Warnings and Disclaimers

This Code of Conduct applies only to behavior at ACADIA sponsored events and activities and is not intended to limit open discussion or the merits of work or issues presented at any ACADIA event.

ACADIA assumes no liability or responsibility for the actions of any member or other event participant.

ACADIA is not responsible for protecting the safety of members or event participants. Any individual who feels their safety is at risk due to harassment or for any other reason is encouraged to take appropriate steps to ensure personal safety.

* ACADIA is committed to partnering with event venues that do not permit weapons. In some cases local and state laws limit our ability to prohibit licensed possession of firearms in public venues.


Annual ACADIA Elections

As ACADIA is a volunteer organization, the President and Board of Directors establish the policies and activities of the organization and perform many administrative tasks to support member services, the annual Conference, the website, and publications. The officers of ACADIA must be dedicated and capable. Election to a position as an officer is not only an honor but an expression of confidence in the candidate's ability to lead and manage.

Who is Elected?


Each year the ACADIA membership elects a President. Each year the ACADIA membership elects a President. The President’s term goes through three phases: s/he serves as Vice-President from September 1 until December 31 of their election year, as President from January 1 until December 31 of the year succeeding their election year, and as Vice-President again from January 1 until September 1 of the next following year.

Board of Directors

Each year the ACADIA membership elects half of the ten-member Steering Committee, and up to three alternates.

IJAC Editorial Board

The International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC) Editorial Board includes panels from four organizations (ACADIA, SIGGRADI, CAADRIA, & ECAADE). Half of ACADIA's IJAC Editorial Board members are elected each year and serve two-year terms beginning the January following their election.


Only current regular and student members may vote, which is defined in the bylaws as members who have paid their dues for the year. This limitation has generally been interpreted to mean that the member must be "in good standing" by the end of the balloting time (and prior to voting). You can check your current status by logging into the ACADIA website.


ACADIA elections are held online in September. At the start of balloting, an email message will be sent to members advising them that voting has begun and providing links needed for voting. A web site will be available containing information about the candidates and links to the voting system. When you submit your ballot from the election site, the system will email your votes (anonymously) to the elections committee. The elections committee will announce results in October.

How do I Nominate a candidate?

President & Board of Directors
Any ACADIA member in good standing may be a candidate for one of these positions, or for a position on both the Board of Directors and the Editorial Board, with one exception: members of the Elections Committee may not stand for election to the Presidency. Each candidate to a Steering Committee position should be nominated by at least three members in good standing. Self-nominations are permitted; in that case only two additional nominations are needed. Board of Directors members whose terms of service expire in the election year are eligible for re-election.

IJAC Editorial Board
Nominations to the Editorial Board do not require additional "seconds".

Submitting a nomination
You may submit nominations via email to any of the Elections Committee members (see below). Nominees will be asked to prepare and submit a brief election statement.

The deadline for nominations is usually the end of August.

The election will be conducted in September via the ACADIA website. Only members in good standing at the time of the election will be eligible to vote. To check your standing, login to the ACADIA website using your email address and ACADIA password (follow the link if you've forgotten), and it will show you. The election results are announced in October.

You can often renew/join for the current year as late as early September and participate in the election cycle, but sooner is better!

We appreciate your enthusiastic participation in the elections process.

ACADIA Elections Committe
Election Committee Contact:

Past Presidents

Since adoption of our bylaws in 1984, the ACADIA Presidency has been filled by annual elections, with the president serving a six-month period as "president elect", a year as "president", and another six-month period as "past-president". Prior to adoption of bylaws, a president was elected each year, as indicated below.

Individuals are listed here according to the calendar year in which they were elected, which will also have been the calendar year in which they began their term as "president". If you read the inside pages of your proceedings, you'll find each president listed in proceedings for the conference occuring at the end of their term.

Year President taking office at conference
2024 Shelby Doyle
2023 Shelby Doyle
2022 Jenny E. Sabin
2021 Jenny E. Sabin
2020 Kathy Velikov
2019 Kathy Velikov
2018 Kathy Velikov
2017 Jason Kelly Johnson
2016 Jason Kelly Johnson
2015 Michael Fox
2014 Michael Fox
2013 Michael Fox
2012 Aron Temkin
2011 Aron Temkin
2010 Aron Temkin
2009 Nancy Cheng
2008 Mahesh Daas
2007 Mahesh Daas
2006 Wassim Jabi
2005 Wassim Jabi
2004 Kevin Klinger
2003 Kevin Klinger
2002 Ganapathy Mahalingam
2001 Ganapathy Mahalingam
2000 Mark Clayton
1999 Brian Johnson
1998 Douglas Noble
1997 Branko Kolarevic
1996 Glenn Goldman
1995 Karen Kensek
1994 M. Stephen Zdepski
1993 Skip Van Wyk
1992 Larry O. Degelman
1991 J. Peter Jordan
1990 John McIntosh
1989 Pamela J. Bancroft
1988 Robert E. Johnson
1987 Patricia McIntosh
1986 Elizabeth Bollinger
1985 Yehuda Kalay
1984 Chris Yessios
1983 John Wade
1982 John Wade
1981 Charles Eastman

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