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For general inquiries:

For all other inquiries, please contact the appropriate ACADIA officer or committee member.

Position Name Email
President Jenny E. Sabin
Vice President Kathy Velikov
Secretary Tsz Yan Ng
Treasurer Phillip Anzalone
Membership Officer Vernelle A. A. Noel
Development Officer Matias del Campo
Communications Officer Melissa Goldman
Technology Officer Jose Luis García del Castillo y López
IJAC Officer Dana Cupkova

Job Listings on ACADIA Website

The ACADIA website is a useful resource for the design computation and architecture community for listing openings for positions in academia and industry. Job postings on ACADIA’s website are automatically included in the weekly newsletter (6000+ subscribers).

We offer the following options for posting jobs on ACADIA’s website:

  • ACADIA Individual Members. Individual members can log on to the ACADIA website (via “Login” link at top of page) and post job openings free of charge. Once logged in, click on “My Content” at top of page, then “News Items” to create a new post. In the “Article Type” drop-down box, make sure to select “Job Opening.”
  • ACADIA Institutional Members. Job postings are included in institutional memberships. Institutional members can contact directly to request a job posting. Please include the job posting text, relevant link to job posting, and an image formatted 432 x 275 pixels.
  • Non-members. Non-members can post a job opening at cost USD$150.00 per posting. Payment is to be submitted via Paypal. If you are interested in posting a job opening, please contact and include the job posting text, relevant link to job posting, and an image formatted 432 x 275 pixels.

Social Media Links

ACADIA on Facebook

ACADIA on Twitter

ACADIA on Instagram

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