One of ACADIA's major missions is to organize and present an annual conference on topics of interest to the architectural computing community. The conference and the publication of its proceedings are a major channel of communication among experts in the field of computer-aided design in architecture. The conference site moves each year, providing members the opportunity to see facilities at schools of architecture around the country.
Hosting an ACADIA conference is a great way to both serve the design computation community and bring more exposure to your own home institution. ACADIA is always interested in expanding our community into new locations and institutions and partnering with local groups interested in the field of design computation.
If you are, or might be, interested in chairing or serving on the technical program committee, or serving as Site Coordinator, please contact the ACADIA President. We can work with you to assess whether you are ready to make a proposal, and we can help you understand the process involved. Technical and Site chairs from previous conferences can help you organize a proposal. Please contact us as soon as you can, even if you are early in developing a proposal. ACADIA starts planning future conferences 1-2 years in advance.
Here are a number of documents that should help you understand what is expected of ACADIA conference hosts, as well as what is provided in terms of support for hosts. If you are thinking about hosting a conference and have any questions, we urge you to contact the current president for further conversations.
This collection needs to be organized and structured some more before it can be considered a "user manual" for conferences, but it should help you to get started. Remember, your questions will help us refine and improve this, so we really want you to ask them.
We have learned that greater clarity is needed regarding budgeting responsibilities and the conference process, especially in the hectic days shortly before the conference itself happens. For that reason, certain legal text is inserted into many of the ACADIA.ORG conference pages in order to clarify for organizers and potential vendors who may, and who may not, commit ACADIA resources. This is not meant to be threatening or frightening, just clear information:
Notice: Neither the Site Coordinator, the host institution nor the Technical Chair is authorized to incur expenses, enter into contracts or incur legal obligations of any kind whatsoever on behalf of ACADIA without the express prior written approval of ACADIA's President on behalf of the ACADIA Steering Committee.
Authors to the ACADIA Conference are expected to submit novel research, presented anonymously and written using scientific standards. Submitted research must contain at least 80% new/unpublished work, findings, and outcome. Additionally, all work/images must belong to the authors, or have appropriate permissions for publication within the proceedings.
As an Author to the ACADIA Conference you are expected to submit professionally written articles following the below stated guidelines.
Any accepted author who fails to pay registration or present their work at the ACADIA conference, the submission will be automatically rejected and removed from the publications before printing.
As an Author to the ACADIA Conference, it is expected that a well formulated Bibliography and contextualization of your work is included in the submission. This should include relevant precedent work, as well as a statement summarizing your unique scientific or creative contributions to the topic.
As an Author to the ACADIA Conference you are expected to submit novel research/work that is an original contribution by the author.
As an Author to the ACADIA Conference, it is expected that none of the submitted work will contain any plagiarized text, imagery, data, etc. of any sort. Note that such sources are not limited to peer-reviewed publications, but also include patents, textbooks, technical reports, theses, unpublished work posted on arXiv, as well as other posts on the World Wide Web. If any plagiarized material is discovered during the peer-review process it will immediately be investigated by the ACADIA organization, rejected and reported to the appropriate parties.
As an Author to the ACADIA Conference you must hold the intellectual property of any information submitted, or seek the relevant permissions to publish the information from the holders of the intellectual property. This pertains especially to scientific data as well as to imagery of third parties. Any publication fees, fines or legal fees incurred by ACADIA must be covered by the authors. Likewise, authors retain all intellectual rights to the research and imagery published in the ACADIA proceedings.
As an Author to the ACADIA Conference you are expected to submit a completely blinded paper, WIP, or project for peer-review.
The peer-review process for the ACADIA conference is essential to maintain the academic rigor of the annual publication and conference.
As a Peer-Reviewer for the ACADIA Conference, you are a member of the ACADIA Scientific Committee for the duration of the review process. You will be assigned a number of papers that you are required to read completely, provide comments to the authors and Technical Chairs, and advise if a paper should be accepted or rejected. The Technical Chair will use advice from a number of Peer-Reviewers to determine if each paper is to be ultimately accepted or rejected for the Conference.
The ACADIA community is composed of individuals with a considerable range and depth of expertise and interests. This range is reflected in the annual conferences and proceedings, and the peer-review process relies heavily on a coordination of the topic of the papers with the Peer-Reviewers to assure valuable and accurate reviews. The Technical Chair will request each Peer-Reviewer to provide a number of keywords that identify expertise, and it is critical that you as a Peer-Reviewer accurately confirm your keywords so that this can be matched to Papers that have similar themes.
As a Reviewer it is your responsibility to support the author's intention to produce high quality research. You must therefore provide constructive comments to the best of your ability, as a means of aiding the authors in improve their submissions. Be positive!
As a Peer-Reviewer, you will have access to submitted papers for review. As this information is extremely sensitive and could cause conflicts if revealed, it is imperative that all information, papers, images, authors, collaborators, reviewers and peer-review data remain confidential, with no information to be shared, discussed or used outside the technical committees organizational process for their given conference.
The ACADIA peer-review process is double-blind, and therefore the Peer-Reviewer should not know the identity of the author(s) for the papers being reviewed. Please do not attempt to discover the identity of the authors during the review process. If at any point during the reviewing process you feel that there may be a breach of the double-blind confidentiality, please halt all review of the paper in question (do not read, score or accept/reject) and contact the Technical Chair to discuss a course of action.
As a Peer-Reviewer, you will be in direct contact with only the Technical Chair throughout the entirety of the peer-review process. Please try to utilize the Scholastica platform exclusively as this will allow for archiving and review by the Technical Chair.
The peer-review process at ACADIA is very serious: careers and reputations, as well as academic tenure decisions, often hinge on these publications. It is important to remain professional in the wording of your reviews, as you are representing the entire ACADIA community. Belittling or sarcastic comments are unnecessary in the review process. The most valuable comments in a review are those that help the authors understand the shortcomings of their work and how they might improve it. Be respectful and carefully explain why you like or dislike a submission so the authors can learn from your expertise. Continued reviews of a non-productive nature will result in the removal of the Peer-Reviewer from the ACADIA Scientific Community for future Conferences.
As a Peer-Reviewer, you hold an immense amount of information on the papers submitted, their authors, and the reviews they receive. It is imperative that all of this information remains confidential and is not used as a means of restricting or advancing the work of individuals within or outside of the conference. If at any point during the reviewing process you feel that there may be a conflict of interest, please contact the Technical Chair so that another reviewer may be assigned.
A submission of a paper to the ACADIA conference should describe an original work of the Authors. Authors must not use ideas or content originating from others in any part of their paper without properly crediting their original sources. Note that such sources are not limited to peer-reviewed publications, but also include patents, textbooks, technical reports, theses, unpublished work posted on arXiv, as well as other posts on the World Wide Web. Failure to comply with this requirement will be considered plagiarism and result in rejection.
In any cases where plagiarism is suspected, even if the original source cannot be precisely located, the Peer-Reviewer should halt all activity on the paper in question (do not read, score or accept/reject) and contact the Technical Chair immediately to conduct an investigation. All information on the paper should remain confidential No action should be taken by the Peer-Reviewer with the paper until the investigation is complete and the Technical Chair advises the course of action. For no reason should any aspect of the investigation be discussed publicly.
As a Technical Chair for the ACADIA Conference, it is your responsibility to oversee and guide a fair and academically rigorous publication process. Additionally, you have the responsibility of ensuring that all research presented at the conference and printed within the proceedings goes through the same rigorous and unbiased peer-review process while ensuring all papers are of the highest scientific standard and relevant for the long standing interests of ACADIA. As the paper acceptance process is extremely competitive, with acceptance rates typically between 20-30%, there is the chance that even marginally accepted papers may not be accepted into the conference. For this reason, it is important to ensure the quality of reviews throughout the peer-review process and avoid conflicts of interest that could alter how papers are being selected for the conference.
As Technical Chairs, you are the only individuals within the conference team with access not only to all submitted papers both accepted and rejected, but also to the identities of authors, and to all of the peer-review data including the identities of the blinded reviewers. As this information is extremely sensitive and could cause conflicts if revealed. It is imperative that all information, papers, images, authors, collaborators, reviewers, and peer-review data remain confidential; no information is to be shared, discussed or used outside the technical committees organizational process for their given conference.
As a Technical Chair, you are responsible for the organization, correspondence and monitoring of the peer-review process while assuring accepted authors that their work will be both presented at the conference and published within the conference proceedings. As researchers spend vast amounts of time on the completion of papers, and their academic/ research based careers can depend on the publication of high-level research, it is important that the peer-review process and its results are transparent, easily understood, and provide the authors with constructive feedback which will help them further clarify their research.
As a technical chair you should:
As a technical chair you should not:
As a Technical Chair, you will be in contact with all parties, both authors and reviewers, throughout the entirety of the conference planning. It is important to remain professional as you are representing the entire ACADIA community. All communications should remain confidential, be addressed as the technical chairs (not as an individual), and archived for reference if necessary. Please try to utilize the Scholastica platform as much as possible for communications with reviewers & authors. If an author communicates directly to a Chair’s personal email to argue a decision, the message should be forwarded to the technical chairs’ group email, and responded to through the chairing body.
As a Technical Chair, you hold an immense amount of information on the papers submitted, their authors, and the reviews they receive. It is imperative that all of this information remains confidential and is not used as a means of restricting or advancing the work of individuals within or outside of the conference. If at any point during the reviewing, selection, or publication process you feel that there may be a conflict of interest, please allow unbiased members of the committee to complete the work.
The reviewing process should determine which papers should be accepted to the conference. However, there still may be instances where the Technical committee must choose between several papers with similar marginal acceptance scores. In this case, ACADIA’S commitment to diverse topics, audiences, and communities should be used to differentiate between multiple papers. ACADIA is committed to:
Submittals from underfunded institutions, or work from individuals acting alone with limited access to collaborators or resources is to be particularly encouraged, especially in the case of otherwise equal scores. Any decisions differing from the acceptance results suggested by the peer review process must be kept to a minimum, and must be reasoned by a need for broader representation.
In any cases where plagiarism is suspected, the technical chairs should contact the current ACADIA President. ACADIA adheres to COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines for courses of action in plagiarism cases. The paper will be withheld from the publication process until the case is resolved. All information on the paper should remain confidential and for no reason should any aspect of the case be discussed publicly.
As a Technical Chair, you are responsible for the production of all conference proceedings both digital and physical. The conference proceedings must follow an approved format, be completed and printed prior to the conference, and include all accepted papers, WIP’s, and projects. The technical chairs should utilize the Scholastica platform for communications with authors and to collect submissions. The technical chairs must submit a final “proof” of the working article to each author prior to printing. Authors should receive a reasonable amount of time to check for errors and submit revisions. The technical chairs have the right to reject any requested changes beyond the scope of error checking.
The Proceedings and Project Catalogs for all ACADIA conferences can be downloaded as free, open-access PDFs. If available, some conferences also have paperback copies that can be ordered. PDFs of individual papers can be found on CuminCAD.
Terms of Use
ACADIA encourages users of downloadable Proceedings and Project Catalogs to engage in research activities, including downloading or printing content in reasonable amounts for non-commercial, scholarly, or classroom instruction purposes. Altering, reselling, redistributing, publishing, or republishing text, figures, data, multimedia, or other information from copyrighted ACADIA publications, with the exception of brief, appropriately cited quotations, in any form or medium without prior written permission from ACADIA is prohibited. All rights not expressly granted are reserved to ACADIA. Users agree not to remove, obscure, or modify any copyright or proprietary notices, author attribution, or any disclaimer as they appear on the downloadable publications.
Year | Conference Title | Location | Host Institution | Proceedings |
2024 | Designing Change | Banff, Alberta, Canada | University of Calgary | Proceedings Book 1 (PDF) Proceedings Book 2 (PDF) Projects Book (PDF) |
2023 | Habits of the Anthropocene | Denver, Colorado, USA | University of Colorado Denver | Proceedings Book 1 (PDF) Proceedings Book 2 (PDF) Projects Book (PDF) |
2022 | Hybrids & Haecceities | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | University of Pennsylvania | Proceedings (PDF) Projects (PDF) |
2021 | Realignments: Toward Critial Computation | Online and Global | ACADIA | Proceedings (PDF | Paperback) |
2020 | Distributed Proximities | Online and Global | ACADIA | Proceedings (PDF | Paperback) Projects (PDF | Paperback) |
2019 | Ubiquity and Autonomy | Austin, Texas, USA | University of Texas at Austin | Proceedings (PDF | Paperback) Projects (PDF | Paperback) |
2018 | Re/Calibration: On Imprecision and Infidelity | Mexico City, Mexico | Universidad Iberoamericana | Proceedings (PDF | Paperback) Projects (PDF | Paperback) |
2017 | Disciplines and Disruption | Cambridge, Massachusettss, USA | MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Proceedings (PDF | Paperback) Projects (PDF | Paperback) |
2016 | Posthuman Frontiers | Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA | University of Michigan TCAUP | Proceedings (PDF | Paperback) Projects (PDF | Paperback) |
2015 | Computational Ecologies | Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | University of Cincinnati | Proceedings (PDF | Paperback) Projects (PDF | Paperback) |
2014 | Design Agency | Los Angeles, California, USA | The University of Southern California | Proceedings (PDF | Paperback) Projects (PDF | Paperback) |
2013 | Adaptive Architecture | Cambridge, Ontario, Canada | University of Waterloo | Proceedings/Projects (PDF | Paperback) |
2012 | Synthetic Digital Ecologies | San Francisco, California, USA | CCA - California College of the Arts | Proceedings (PDF) Projects (PDF) |
2011 | Integration Through Computation | Calgary/Banff, Canada | The University of Calgary | Proceedings (PDF) Projects (PDF) |
2011 Regional | Parametricism (SPC) | Lincoln, Nebraska, USA | University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Proceedings (PDF) |
2010 | LIFE in:formation | New York, New York, USA | Cooper Union, Pratt Institute | Proceedings (PDF | Paperback) Projects (PDF | Paperback) |
2009 | reForm | Chicago, Illinois | The School of the Art Institute of Chicago | Proceedings (PDF |
2008 | Silicon + Skin | Minneapolis, Minnesota | University of Minnesota | Proceedings (PDF | Paperback) Projects (PDF | Paperback |
2007 | Expanding Bodies | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada | Dalhousie, NSCAD & CDRN | Proceedings/Projects (PDF | Paperback) |
2006 | Synthetic Landscapes | Louisville, Kentucky | University of Kentucky, Lexington | Proceedings/Projects (PDF) |
2005 | Smart Architecture | Savannah, Georgia | Savannah School of Architecture and Design (SCAD) | Proceedings (PDF) |
2004 | Fabrication | Cambridge and Toronto, Ontario, Canada | University of Waterloo, Cambridge and University of Toronto | Proceedings (PDF) |
2003 | Connecting: Crossroads of Digital Discourse | Indianapolis, Indiana | Ball State University | Proceedings (PDF) |
2002 | Thresholds Between Physical and Virtual | Pomona, California | Cal Poly, Pomona | Proceedings (PDF) |
2001 | Reinventing the Discourse | Buffalo, New York | SUNY Buffalo | Proceedings (PDF) |
2000 | Eternity, Infinity, and Virtuality | Washington D.C. | Catholic University | Proceedings (PDF) |
1999 | Media and Design Process | Snowbird, Utah | University of Utah | Proceedings (PDF) |
1998 | Do Computers Make a Difference in Design Studios? | Quebec City, Quebec, Canada | University of Laval | Proceedings (PDF) |
1997 | Representation and Design | Cincinnati, Ohio | University of Cincinnati | Proceedings (PDF) |
1996 | Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy | Tucson, Arizona | University of Arizona | Proceedings (PDF) |
1995 | Computing in Design: Enabling, Capturing and Sharing Ideas | Seattle, Washington | University of Washington | Proceedings (PDF) |
1994 | Reconnecting | St. Louis, Missouri | Washington University | Proceedings (PDF) |
1993 | Education and Practice: The Critical Interface | College Station, Texas | Texas A&M | Proceedings (PDF) |
1992 | Computer Supported Design in Architecture: Mission, Method, Madness | Charleston, South Carolina | Clemson University | Proceedings (PDF) |
1991 | Reality and Virtual Reality | Los Angeles, California | University of California at Los Angeles | Proceedings (PDF) |
1990 | From Research to Practice | Big Sky, Montana | Montana State University | Proceedings (PDF) |
1989 | New ideas and Directions for the 1990's | Gainesville, Florida | University of Florida | Proceedings (PDF) |
1988 | Computing In Design Education | Ann Arbor, Michigan | University of Michigan | Proceedings (PDF) |
1987 | Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum | Raleigh, North Carolina | North Carolina State University | Proceedings (PDF) |
1986 | Architectural Education, Research and Practice in the Next Decade | Houston, Texas | University of Houston | Proceedings (PDF) |
1985 | ACADIA Workshop '85 | Tempe, Arizona | Arizona State University | Proceedings (PDF) |
1984 | Troy, New York | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | ||
1983 | Columbus, Ohio | Ohio State University | ||
1982 | Blacksburg, Virginia | Virginia Tech | ||
1981 | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | Carnegie-Mellon University |
ACADIA Quarterly publications.
Terms of Use
ACADIA encourages users of downloadable Proceedings and Project Catalogs to engage in research activities, including downloading or printing content in reasonable amounts for non-commercial, scholarly, or classroom instruction purposes. Altering, reselling, redistributing, publishing, or republishing text, figures, data, multimedia, or other information from copyrighted ACADIA publications, with the exception of brief, appropriately cited quotations, in any form or medium without prior written permission from ACADIA is prohibited. All rights not expressly granted are reserved to ACADIA. Users agree not to remove, obscure, or modify any copyright or proprietary notices, author attribution, or any disclaimer as they appear on the downloadable publications.
Year | Volume | Season | Number | Quarterly |
1994 | 13 | Winter | 1 | Download |
1993 | 12 | Fall | 4 | Download |
1993 | 12 | Summer | 3 | Download |
1993 | 12 | Spring | 2 | Download |
1993 | 12 | Winter | 1 | Download |